David Johansen (Physical Education)
David would like donations towards:
Kleenex Tissue Boxes (1 dozen)
New or used sports balls (footballs, soccer balls, playground balls, tennis balls, etc.) - We use these types of balls on the blacktop for free choice days.
¾” 4’x8’ Plywood (We need to replace the wood on the back of our PE utility cart)
Water mister pump spray bottle - https://www.amazon.com/COREGEAR-Classic-Misters-Personal-Mister/dp/B00WHIFDQE/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2TEJLYS3BJ6S9&keywords=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Bsprayer&qid=1694183702&sprefix=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-8&th=1
David would like donations towards:
Kleenex Tissue Boxes (1 dozen)
New or used sports balls (footballs, soccer balls, playground balls, tennis balls, etc.) - We use these types of balls on the blacktop for free choice days.
¾” 4’x8’ Plywood (We need to replace the wood on the back of our PE utility cart)
Water mister pump spray bottle - https://www.amazon.com/COREGEAR-Classic-Misters-Personal-Mister/dp/B00WHIFDQE/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2TEJLYS3BJ6S9&keywords=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Bsprayer&qid=1694183702&sprefix=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-8&th=1
David would like donations towards:
Kleenex Tissue Boxes (1 dozen)
New or used sports balls (footballs, soccer balls, playground balls, tennis balls, etc.) - We use these types of balls on the blacktop for free choice days.
¾” 4’x8’ Plywood (We need to replace the wood on the back of our PE utility cart)
Water mister pump spray bottle - https://www.amazon.com/COREGEAR-Classic-Misters-Personal-Mister/dp/B00WHIFDQE/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2TEJLYS3BJ6S9&keywords=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Bsprayer&qid=1694183702&sprefix=water%2Bbottle%2Bmister%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-8&th=1